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All You Need to Know: GRABCARD Checklist
There are several checklists pilots can use to mitigate risk when flying. One them is the GRABCARD checklist. The GRABCARD checklist is used by a pilot to ensure that the aircraft is equipped with all required equipment for IFR.
All You Need to Know: ATOMATOFFLAMES & FLAPS Checklists
The ATOMATOFFLAMES & FLAPS checklists provide a standardized framework for pilots to follow, ensuring that they complete all necessary steps methodically and thoroughly.
What Is The AV1ATED Checklist?
Assessing risks is only part of operating safely as a pilot. After assessing risk, the other half of the equation is mitigating the risk.
What Is The IMSAFE Checklist?
There are several checklists pilots can use to mitigate risk when flying. One them is the IMSAFE checklist. The IMSAFE checklist is used by a pilot to determine his/her physical and mental readiness for flying.
A Pilot's Guide to Risk Assessment
During every flight, a solo-flying pilot makes numerous decisions under hazardous conditions. Hazards must be assessed and assigned a degree of risk in order to determine the best course of action and prevent hazards from turning into catastrophic risks.
Understanding Hazard, Risk, and the Importance of Mindset in Aviation
In order to operate an aircraft safely, it is crucial to understand the concept of hazard and risk as well as the differences between them.
Single-Pilot Resource Management
SRM equips the pilot to maintain situational awareness by effectively utilizing and managing automation, navigation, and aircraft control. SRM equips the pilot to assess, manage, and respond to risks accurately and efficiently.
What Is Aeronautical Decision-Making (ADM)?
The purpose behind ADM is to provide a systematic approach to manage risks, workload, and stress. One large way in which aircraft accidents can be avoided is by seeking to understand what factors influence decisions, and constantly working to improve the process of decision-making. 
Modern Advances with Aircraft Alternators
Plane-Power consistently expands product offerings with a solid foundation of reliability: superior design, advanced manufacturing technology, and state-of-the-art testing facilities.
How To Choose A Flight Training Program!
Choosing a flight school is an important consideration when beginning the flight training process. There are a variety of methods to gain flight instruction!